16 Vatican Approved Apparitions
10 Local Bishop Approved Apparitions

1888 – Our Lady of Sorrows

Our Lady of Sorrows
1888 – Our Lady of Sorrows
Via Santuario
Castelpetroso Italy
Date of Apparition: 1888
Feast Day: September 15

Fun Facts

*Apparition occurred the day before Feast of the Compassion of Our Blessed Lady

*Only a few days after the apparitions, around 4000 pilgrims are counted in the apparition site in a single day.

Who did Mary appear to?

Bibiana Cicchino, 35 year old and Serafina Valentino, 34

How did the witness describe her appearance?

As the weeks went by, more and more people saw “the Blessed Virgin under the form known as Our Lady of Mount Carmel; others saw her as Our Lady of Grace, others as Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary; but for the most part she appeared as Our Lady of Dolors. Generally, too, she was alone, but sometimes she was accompanied by St. Michael, sometimes by St. Anthony, sometimes by St. Sebastian, and sometimes by troops of angels. Among those who testified to these Apparitions was a well-known scoffer, who received the grace of seeing Our Lady four times in half-an-hour.”

The scene of The Pieta is reenacted for the world to remember the sacrifice that was made for them.

While looking for a missing lamb, Bibiana, attracted by the blaze that emanates from the cave of “Cesa tra Santi” (name of the apparition site), “approaches it, and immediately finds herself immersed in a celestial vision: The Virgin half-kneeling, with her hands extended and his eyes turned to heaven is there, in the act of imploring and offering; at his feet lies Jesus dead covered with blood and sores.”

What was her message?

“God has associated the Virgin with the work of Redemption, and she, fully conforming to this will, with Her suffering accepted and offered, has become Coredemptrix of the human race at the price of unspeakable suffering from seven sword wounds to her heart.”

Who approved and when?

Monsignor Francesco Palmieri, Bishop of Bojano immediately designated it for inspection to Pope LEo XIII.

“With joy I can say that the portents of Castelpetroso are the last traces of Divine Mercy, to recall the lost souls to the right path. I also can testify that, having gone myself in the sacred place, and focusing myself in prayer I had the ‘apparition of the Virgin “.


  • Holy Father Leo XIII, even if only orally, appointed him Apostolic Delegate, giving him the task of carrying out an inspection of the cave of the Apparitions on behalf of the Holy See.  On the morning of September 26, 1888, the Bishop went to the cave of “Cesa tra Santi”, and he too witnessed an apparition of the Sorrowful Mother, in the same attitude described by the first two visionaries.
  • The director of the magazine, “Servant of Mary,” Carlo Acquaderni, in November 1888 goes to the blessed cliff site together with his son Augustus: in the heart of his father there is the great hope of obtaining the healing of his son, condemned to die for the tragic consequences of an incurable illness, the tuberculosis of the bone. Faith, when it is firm, true and sincere, can only obtain miracles: Augustus miraculously heals!


1888 – Our Lady of Sorrows
Via Santuario
Castelpetroso Italy