16 Vatican Approved Apparitions
10 Local Bishop Approved Apparitions

1983 – Our Lady of the Rosary

Our Lady of the Rosary
1983 – Our Lady of the Rosary
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento 365, B2900
San Nicolás de Los Arroyos Argentina

Our Lady's Words:
The coming of the Savior is imminent... Everywhere in the world where my messages have been given, it would seem that one preached in the cemeteries. The response which the Lord expected was not there. That is why your people were chosen. Preach, so that your brothers may answer the call of the Lord Our God…for conversion and then consecration to my heart as Mother…I will respond to your consecration with my protection.

Date of Apparition: 1983
Feast Day: October 7

More of Mary’s Words

Mary explains two ways to save the soul are through prayer and conversion. “Prayer is both the means and the weapon, the primary one being the Rosary…recite the Holy Rosary, and let the Lord see that with it goes your conversion. The Sacred Heart of Jesus will give you abundant blessings…That is why I ask you to reflect. Do not delay, for time begins to end, and there will be no more room for him who would be late.”

Our Lord’s Words

“Today I warn the world, for the world is not aware: souls are in danger. Many are lost. Few will find salvation unless they accept me as their Savior. My mother must be accepted. My mother must be heard in the totality of her messages. The world must discover the richness she brings to Christians. The children of sin will grow up in sin if their unbelief increases. I want a renewal of the spirit, a detachment from death, and an attachment to life. I have chosen the heart of my mother, so that what I ask will be achieved. Souls will come to me through the means of her Immaculate Heart.”

In her last public message on Feb. 11, 1990, feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Mary said: “My dear children, I suggest you follow my instructions step by step. Pray. Make reparation, have faith! Blessed are those who look for refuge for their souls in prayer. Blessed are those who make reparation for the grave offenses which my Son receives.”

Fun Facts

  • The apparitions took place in this city over 100 miles from Buenos Aires from Oct. 13, 1983 (Last apparition at Fatima was Oct 13!)  to Feb. 11, 1990 (Feb 11 is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes!) . Our Blessed Mother appeared to a middle aged housewife with only 4 years of elementary education – nearly daily – giving 1804 messages. Gladys also received 68 visits and messages from Jesus.
  • After first appearing silent, she returned to say  Do not be afraid,” were her first words. Jesus said the same to the women after his Resurrection (Matthew 28:10).   Mary gave Gladys Bible references: Ezekiel 2:4-10 and later, Sirach 17:25-26, Hebrews 4:12-16, Galatians 4:3-11, Revelation 11:19-12:17 (*She really is the Mother of the Word like she declares in Kibeho the same decade as Our Lady of Kibeho, the 16th Vatican
    Approved Apparition.
  • In the 3rd apparition on Oct. 25, the Blessed Mother appeared, gave her a white rosary (like Lourdes!), and said, Receive this Rosary from my hands and keep it forever and ever…Rejoice, for God is with you.”…

Who did Our Lady appear to?

Gladys Quiroga de Motta

How did the witness describe Mary?

Mary was wearing a blue dress, like the Ark of the Covenant in Sacred Scripture had a blue blanket…and like Our Lady of Guadalupe, the woman clothed with the sun with a crown of twelve stars… holding the baby Jesus in her arms, and holding the rosary.

What was her message?

The young find themselves facing a corrupt, horrifying world…Do not allow yourselves to be taken in by the calamities which you have before your eyes. … 

On May 13, a Fatima anniversary, Mary warned: “My daughter, as previously in Fatima, today my visits are renewed on Earth. They are more frequent and more prolonged, because humanity is passing through very dramatic times. Has man not understood that he must be uniquely at the service of God? If he resists, his soul is going to perish…the work of the devil is growing and expanding..My dear children, it is only through prayer and conversion that you will return to God. May he not find your hearts dry.”

Who approved?

May 22, 2016, on Holy Trinity Sunday, current Bishop Hector Cardelli of San Nicolas declared that the apparitions of Our Lady of the Rosary in his diocese are “supernatural in character” and “worthy of belief.”


Many cures of body as well as soul have been recorded, and tens of thousands celebrate the annual anniversary.

1983 – Our Lady of the Rosary
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento 365, B2900
San Nicolás de Los Arroyos Argentina