16 Vatican Approved Apparitions
10 Local Bishop Approved Apparitions

1981 – Our Lady of Kibeho

Mother of the Word
1981 – Our Lady of Kibeho
Kibeho Rwanda

Our Lady's Words:
I am the ‘Mother of the Word’…I am concerned with and turning to the world…the world is in rebellion against God…many sins are being committed…if you do not convert and repent your hearts, you will all fall into an abyss...One must recite the Rosary every day and also the Rosary of Seven Sorrows of Mary to obtain the favor of repentance.

Date of Apparition: 1981
Feast Day: November 28

More of Mary’s Words

“I am awakening you so that you may collect what you have and purify it.  Prepare yourself for the coming of the one who will come unexpectedly; and do not leave him standing at the front door.  He has a power that surpasses your intelligence and he sees even that which you want to hide from Him,” Our Lady of Kibeho, by Immaculee Illibagiza.

Who did Our Lady appear to?

 13 years before the Rwandan genocide, Mary introduced herself as “The Mother of the Word” and “The Mother of God” to the following in order of appearance in 1981-1982:

  1. Alphonsine Mumureke, 17 years old, was the first visionary. Mary continued to appear to her for 8 years. 
  2. Anathalie Mukamazimpaka, 20 years old, was the second visionary 2 months later.
  3. Marie Claire Mukangango, 21 years old. She was the biggest challenger to the validity of the appearances of Our Lady. She tortured the first 2 visionaries until Our Lady chose her. Our Lady of Kibeho gave Marie Claire the responsibility of teaching the world the Seven Sorrows Rosary for complete satisfaction of reparations all sins committed against God. Her mission ended with her death on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, September 15, 1982.
    • 33 visionaries came forward. Formal investigations began in 1982 by theological and medical examinations. “The reports of 3 other girls who claimed to receive the apparitions and one boy who maintained he had visits from Jesus, Sagatashya in Immaculee’s book, The Boy who Met Jesus, were dismissed in the formal investigations (NCRegister.com, “Our Lady of Kibeho”: An Urgent Appeal to the Repentance and Conversion of Hearts.”)
    • It is believed that the Vatican rushed the approval before getting more evidence on the subsequent appearances because of their interest in a priest to be released from prison (previously encarcerated for crime committed in the genocide.) Our Lady still appears to Josepha, one of the first six visionaries. I had the incredible opportunity to witness and film Mary’s apparition the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, August 15, 2020 – the day after the feast day of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Knight of the Immaculata (a saint God created for our current Time of Mercy.). It was a game changer!! We prayed 15 decades a day plus Seven Sorrows plus The Divine Mercy Chaplet, every day. Since I now know what peace and supernatural assistance honoring Our Lady’s Request gives, I won’t stop fulfilling it until the day I go to Heaven!
    • This experience in Kibeho changed my life forever. Our Lady promised that our rosaries are working! She said that we are in the scourge of the Church. Our Lady of Kibeho said on August 15, 2020 that we believers are experiencing the grueling Passion with Jesus again – it is the labor pains of His kingdom born on Earth. Jesus needs our help with prayers to console His Sacred Heart and Mary’s Immaculate Heart; and, to quench his “thirst for souls”- (words of Saint Mother Theresa.) “Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world.” – Blessed Pope Pius IX

How did the witness describe Our Lady’s appearance?

Alphonsine said, “Our Lady of Kibeho is always bathed in soft light wearing a dress that must have been made by angels because it is seamless.  Her skin shines like polished ivory, but it wasn’t white like we see in pictures.  She wasn’t black either…she wasn’t black or white.”  

What was Mary’s message?

The Virgin Mary warned that if Rwandans did not cleanse their hearts of hatred through praying the Most Holy Rosary and Seven Sorrows Rosary, which will fill their souls with God’s love, evil would win out and a genocide would sweep across the land. The genocide wiped out 1 million lives in one month. Praying the rosary saved Immaculee’s and six other women’s lives in a small bathroom for 91 days. God hears our pleas through the rosary. I can attest to that personally – many times over.

Who approved?

Recognized by the Vatican in 2001, Our Lady of Kibeho is the only Marian apparition site approved by the Catholic Church and Pope Francis on the Africa continent.

Many of us Christians are in a spiritual coma. The author of “Left to Tell”, Immaculee Ilibagiza, speaks about Our Lady of Kibeho & her recent plea to pray the rosary.
Immaculee enlightens us on the message from the spot where Our Lady made her request in Kibeho, Africa starting on November 28, 1981.
Our Lady gave Saint Dominic the Traditional Rosary in the 13th Century. She introduced the Seven Sorrows Rosary in the 14th Century. She re-introduced it in 1954 to a Mother Superior and asked to build the Seven Sorrows Chapel. Our Lady returned in 1981 to re-introduce it again – to prepare and fortify the world before The Rwandan Genocide.
Our Lady appeared to the Mother Superior of the Kibeho order and asked them to build a chapel of the Seven Sorrows. She taught only the Mother Superior the special rosary. Our Lady asked her to teach the nuns; but to reserve teaching the children to Her. Our Lady wanted to be the one to give the present to the children.
Our Lady’s promise
Our Lady said that people will come from all over the world to visit Kibeho and to hear her message that she intended for all of us. She said so.


Our Lady of Kibeho, by Immaculee Ilibagiza

1981 – Our Lady of Kibeho
Kibeho Rwanda