16 Vatican Approved Apparitions
10 Local Bishop Approved Apparitions

1980 – Our Lady of Cuapa

Our Lady of Cuapa
1980 – Our Lady of Cuapa
Cuapa Nicaragua

Our Lady's Words:
The Lord does not like prayers we make in a rush or mechanically. You should pray the Rosary and also read Bible passages so you can put into practice the Word of God.

Date of Apparition: 1980
Feast Day:

Who did Our Lady appear to?

A Sacristan (prepares mass), Bernardo Martinez

How did the witness describe Mary?

Light first emanated from a statue of her.  She returned similar to Fatima: on a cloud, she opened her arms and rays of light flowed out.

What was her message?

Pray the rosary without distractions, meditating on scripture…
Heaven wants our bodies to be temples of God’s love for people – peace must come from the work of God that we allow within us.

Who approved?

By Bishop Bosco M. Vivas Robelo of Managua in 1982

1980 – Our Lady of Cuapa
Cuapa Nicaragua