16 Vatican Approved Apparitions
10 Local Bishop Approved Apparitions

1932 – Our Lady of the Golden Heart

Our Lady of the Golden Heart
1932 – Our Lady of the Golden Heart
Rue de l'Aubépine 12
Beauraing Belgium

Our Lady's Words:
I am the Immaculate Virgin…Always be good … Pray very much … I am the Queen of Heaven and the Mother of God, pray always … Sacrifice yourself for me … I shall convert the sinners.

Date of Apparition: 1932
Feast Day: November 29

On November 29, 1932, Our Lady appeared to five children in Beauraing, Belgium.  The children were Frenande Voisin, 15; Albert Voisin, 11; Gilberte Voisin, 13; Andree Degeimbre, 14; and Gilberte Degeimbre, 14.  Our Lady appeared to them 33 times over 5 weeks, with the last apparition occurring on January 3, 1933.  This timeframe was shortly after the end of World War I and during the Great Depression.  Our Lady identified herself as “the Immaculate Virgin”.  She was greatly illuminated and appeared to be walking on a cloud.  She wore a long white dress, a white veil, and a golden crown of light.  On December 29th, Our Lady opened her arms and revealed a brilliant golden heart.  Bright rays of golden light shone from her golden heart. 

During Our Lady’s first 3 apparitions, she said nothing to the children.  She just looked at them and smiled.  Thereafter, her messages were simple but profound.  “Always be good … Pray very much … I am the Queen of Heaven and the Mother of God, pray always … Sacrifice yourself for me … I shall convert the sinners”.  She gave the children secret messages as well.  Initially, the local people, including the children’s parents and the parish priest, were skeptical and accused the children of lying.  But many miraculous healings of body, mind and soul occurred during those months and in subsequent years.  In 1943, Bishop Charue of Namur authorized public devotions to Our Lady of Beauraing.  On July 18, 1947, the Bishop received papal blessings for the Sanctuary dedicated to Our Lady of Beauraing.  Final approval of the authenticity of the apparitions was granted on July 2, 1949.  Our Lady of Beauraing, also known as Virgin with the Golden Heart, is celebrated every year on November 29th.

1932 – Our Lady of the Golden Heart
Rue de l'Aubépine 12
Beauraing Belgium