16 Vatican Approved Apparitions
10 Local Bishop Approved Apparitions

1879 – Our Lady of Knock

Our Lady of Knock
1879 – Our Lady of Knock
Drum, Knock, Co. Mayo, F12 Y226,
Knock Ireland

Our Lady's Words:
[Our lady was silent while presenting an image for us to contemplate]

Date of Apparition: 1879
Feast Day: August 17

On her right was Saint Joseph, his head inclined toward her and on her left Saint John the Evangelist., the Blessed Virgin wore a white cloak and was described by witnesses as being incredibly beautiful. She wore a bright golden crown…and appeared to be praying with her eyes looking toward heaven with her arms bent in front of her with her palms facing inward.


Fun Facts

*Although it was raining, the ground where the apparition was occuring was dry

*The gable church was covered with a cloud of light.

*There is something else about the circumstances of the apparition that is important: prior to its occurrence, Archdeacon Cavanagh, the parish priest, announced to the parishioners his plan to say 100 Masses for the Holy Souls in Purgatory whom Our Lady wished to release. The last of these 100 Masses was offered less than a week before the apparition occurred. This is considered deeply significant by many people.

Who did Our Lady appear to?

Fifteen parishioners, ages 5-75, stood to witness the apparition for two hours in the rain (like later at Fatima,) as they recited the rosary.

What was her message?

In silence, Our Lady, St. Joseph and St. John all exuded a prayerful, penitential and reverential spirit. To the left of Saint John was an altar on which stood a cross and a lamb. Standing only a few feet off the ground.   The miraculous apparition of Mary that was witnessed by the small group of 15 that day rippled through thousands of visitors. 

How did the witness describe her appearance?

The Blessed Virgin wore a white cloak and was described by witnesses as being incredibly  beautiful. She wore a bright golden crown.  She appeared to be praying with her eyes looking toward heaven with her arms bent in front of her with her palms facing inward.

Here is the eyewitness testimony of Patrick Hill:

“I distinctly beheld the Blessed Virgin Mary, life size, standing about two feet or so above the ground clothed in white robes which were fastened at the neck.

Her hands were raised to the height of the shoulders, as if in prayer, with the palms facing one another, but slanting inwards towards the face; the palms were not turned towards the people, but facing each other as I have described; she appeared to be praying; her eyes were turned as I saw towards heaven.

She wore a brilliant crown on her head, and over the forehead where the crown filled the brow, a beautiful rose; the crown appeared brilliant, and of a golden brightness, of a deeper hue, inclined to a mellow yellow, than the striking whiteness of the robes she wore; the upper parts of the crown appeared to be a series of sparkles, or glittering crosses.”

[I saw her eyes, the balls, the pupils and the iris of each.]

I noticed her hands especially, and face, her appearance.

The robes came only as far as the ankles; I saw her feet and the ankles; one foot, the right, was slightly in advance of the other.

At times she appeared, and all the figures appeared, to move out and again to go backwards; I saw them move; she did not speak; I went up very near; one old woman went up and embraced the Virgin’s feet., and she found nothing in her arms and hands; they receded, she said, from her.”

Who approved?

The local bishop said the apparition served the faithful by re-substatiating the message of mercy, the Eucharist, the help of the saints, and the designation of Jesus as the sacrificial lamb for us.


  • Ten days after the apparition, the first miraculous cure occurred. By 1880, Fr. Cavanagh had recorded over 300 cures. His record of the cures is preserved to this day.

 Testimony of a recent pilgrim to the Knock Shrine:”This is my first visit to Knock. I came because my 84 year old mother wanted to come so my wife, my sister and I came with her. I was nonplussed at the idea but have been taken completely by surprise by the wondrous peace that engulfs this magical place. This visit has renewed and strengthened my faith. I leave, I hope, a better person.”


1879 – Our Lady of Knock
Drum, Knock, Co. Mayo, F12 Y226,
Knock Ireland