16 Vatican Approved Apparitions
10 Local Bishop Approved Apparitions

1858 – Our Lady of Lourdes

Our Lady of Lourdes
1858 – Our Lady of Lourdes
1 Av. Mgr Théas
Lourdes France

Our Lady's Words:
Pray the rosary every day…I am the Immaculate Conception…

Date of Apparition: 1857
Feast Day: February 11

Fun Facts

Before Mary told Bernadette “I am the Immaculate Conception,” she looked up to the sky for acceptance from God to reveal her name.  She then looked at St. Bernadette nodded as if receiving God’s acceptance through her heavenly spouse, the Holy Spirit.  After these moments of quiet, Our Lady declared our Holy Church Dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Our Blessed Mother through her simple words – which then supports how both she and Jesus were born without sin; and, thus, have the merits to substantiate their claims of favor by God.  Put simply, they have the qualifications to guide us to our pure and perfect All Mighty, God.  We should listen to them: “Do whatever he tells you.” John 2:5 RSV

Who did Mary appear to?

St. Bernadette Soubirous

How did the witness describe her appearance?

“I heard a sound like a gust of wind…as I turned to look at the meadow I heard the same sound again…I saw a lady dressed in white, wearing a white dress, a blue girdle and a yellow rose on each foot, the same color as the chain of her rosary; the beads of the rosary were white….From the niche, or rather the dark alcove behind it, came a dazzling light.” – Bernadette Soubirous

What was her message?

Mary’s message is one of prayer and penance.  She gains divine credibility when revealing her true name: “The Immaculate Conception” in order to make us follow her repeated request, “pray the rosary daily.”


2021 Miracle from Lourdes 


1858 – Our Lady of Lourdes
1 Av. Mgr Théas
Lourdes France