16 Vatican Approved Apparitions
10 Local Bishop Approved Apparitions

1578 – Our Lady of Lezajsk

Our Lady of Lezajsk
1578 – Our Lady of Lezajsk
Leżajsku, plac Mariacki 8, 37-300
Leżajsk Poland

Our Lady's Words:
…I have chosen this place. On it my son shall be honored, and anyone who shall invoke me here shall experience my intercession

Date of Apparition: 1578
Feast Day: May 7


*Artist had a dedication to Our Lady’s Immaculate Conception 

*A church was built with an invocation to St. Anne, Mary’s mother.

What was her message?

Build a church where she and her Son can be visited.  Mary tells us of her intercessory power in Heaven.  

Who did Mary visit? 

She appeared to a man, Thomas Michalek.

How did the witness describe Mary’s appearance?

In a white dress surrounded by white light


*Votives have been seen to suspend in mid-air at the base of the image.

Who approved and when?

1752 Pope Benedict XIV crowned the image on Mary’s birthday, September 8, 1752.


1578 – Our Lady of Lezajsk
Leżajsku, plac Mariacki 8, 37-300
Leżajsk Poland